Consumer Data Solutions
Offering The Most Comprehensive Consumer Data For Your Marketing Campaign
We deliver the most extensive set of direct marketing files in the industry to ensure that your company can achieve maximum saturation in the consumer marketplace. The ELP Data Consumer Database contains the most accurate and up-to-date demographic and behavioral information on your potential customers.
Our prospect files are 100% sourced from ELP Data’s own premier consumer database and enriched with multiple proprietary sources—combining direct response and purchase data to bring the most comprehensive database on the market today. Features include:
Selectable Categories Include The Following And More:
Proprietary predictive response values ranking from 1-9 are based on known transactions taking into account recency of purchase, frequency of purchase activity, and dollars spent (RFM) within each market. The higher the RFM score indicates multiple purchases, frequent number of orders tied to dollars spent. This exceptional range of information can help your company create a customized marketing strategy to increase your sales and revenue.
Consumer Data Files
Our 263 consumer data files include lifestyle information, purchasing history, transactional data, and contact points that allow your company to reach this vast marketplace most effectively. Crosschecked and linked to other data resources, the ELP Data Consumer Database allows you maximum flexibility in determining your most cost-effective approach in this expanding marketplace. We deliver the tools and information your company needs to achieve its ongoing sales, marketing, and promotional needs in the competitive marketplace.